Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Always Connected

I remember making jokes about video-chatting using our phones. Little did I know Apple was only a few years away from installing a camera to the front of the iPhone, and developing a new way of communication: FaceTime.  With the click of a button I was able to virtually see anyone anywhere.  If there was as cute shirt I wanted to show my friend, boom, FaceTime.  If my parents wanted to see me (or if I wanted to see my dog) because they couldn't make it down to DC, one click, FaceTime.

FaceTime is just one example of the impact technology has on me.  FaceTime is a little more personal. Let's be honest, I probably wouldn't want to FaceTime with 95% of my Facebook friends. 

Between texting, tweeting, insta-ing, facbooking, snapchatting and blogging, I am connected with thousands of people. Who knew a picture of my pup, Romeo and his golden friend, Lola, would get over 100 likes on Instagram?

Well, they are adorable...

With hardly any effort I can see thousands of profiles, millions of pictures and learn so much about a person without actually interacting with them.

One of my teachers, Professor Brach, was talking about the false sense of friendship that can occur through Facebook.  Just by scrolling down your feed you have access to many peoples posts. I am able to see the up's and down's, accomplishments and failures, makeups and breakups of people that don't even expect me to see it. I'm so happy for some of my High School friends that have graduated college and have gotten jobs, or traveled to their favorite country, but they don't know that because we haven't spoken since Thanksgiving Break of freshman year.  

On the other hand, Social Media has helped me stay connected to my friends and family while I am away at school.  Recently, I was able to video chat with one of my best friends that is currently in Haiti!  I have spent almost every day with her for the past four years, so  being able to see her was amazing! I can keep up with all of my friends who are also away at school and they can stay connected with me.  Being connected so easily is great in many ways and it has definitely been beneficial to my life. 

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